
Students get active for one week only

This article is from page 29 of the 2008-03-04 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 29 JPG

IT looks like another busy week for students at Barefield National school as they prepare to highlight the bene- fits of an active and healthy lifestyle.

After a month where the school continued its drive for green flag sta- tus with a series of environmentally friendly initiatives, staff and students will take part in another important promotional campaign.

Pupils from Barefield National School will this week join the list of schools nationwide who are cel- ebrating Active School Week. For the school this means increasing the amount of time spent on PE and

physical activity and highlighting the benefits of an active lifestyle.

According to teacher Peadar Mc- Mahon that means a number of ac- tivities running throughout the week including an infant programme which involves different events every day culminating in a Blitz on Friday March 7.

First class pupils are taking the whole thing very seriously by organ- ising a survey on physical activity, which will focus on their favour- ite activities and how to promote a healthier lifestyle for all the family. Of course, the events next week in Barefield National School will in- volve students from different nation-

alities and even the language teacher has been drafted in to explain the intricacies of cricket amongst many other things!

Active School Week is the high- light of the Active School Awards 2008 which is a nationwide search for the schools who best incorporate physical activity into their school CEMA

The Awards, which are now in their fourth year, are funded by the De- partment of Education and Science and entries are assessed on a region- al basis and then a short list will be invited to the National Celebration Event in May 2008 where the win- ners receive cash prizes.

The closing date for submissions is April 4 and those interested in participating should log onto www.

The Active Schools Awards for 2008 was launched by Mary Hanafin TD, Minister for Education and Sci- ence at St Clare’s Primary School, Harold’s Cross, Dublin on Friday 18th January._

The main aim of this initiative is to raise the profile of PE and co-curric- ular physical activity in the context of the introduction of the Primary J SCUiw ue levee mr-DeCeMdsComMiebeN OME OaVelle PE syllabus and to promote lifelong involvement in sport and physical activity.

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