
Quin youth club in welcome return

This article is from page 27 of the 2007-11-06 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 27 JPG

AFTER an absence of 10 years, the youth club in Quin is set to re-open. Locals feel that there 1s not enough for youths in the area to do and have decided to restart the club, for 12 to 17 year olds. The group will meet at Quin community centre every Sun- day evening, between 7pm and 9pm, where up to 50 youngsters from Quin, Clooney and Maghera will gather.

Among the activities on offer at the club will be indoor soccer, bad- minton, table tennis, pool, music and oXey-Vne mee N eA Tee

The chairperson of the local com- munity centre committee Sarah Len- non is spearheading the youth club drive. Committee member Ann Ty- nan explained the idea behind it.

“There was a club previously, but that finished up and there has been none since,” she said.

“There is not a lot to do for that age groups. They are relying on the GAA and horseriding a lot. There is no night-time activity. It will be tai- lored to meet the needs of those at- tending,’ said Ms Tynan.

The organisers of the club in Quin attended training sessions with Clare Youth Service, and have received guidance on setting up and running the initiative. The club will be run under the auspices of Clare Youth

Services. Supervisors will be on hand at the community centre every Sunday night, while the young peo- ple themselves will be encouraged to help out running the club.

“Clare Youth Service has been proactive in providing training and guidance for running it,’ said Ms Shiaetcvee

Local funds have been instrumen- tal in purchasing equipment for the Nab Ker

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