
Heart aid now at hand for tourists

This article is from page 25 of the 2007-11-06 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 25 JPG

THE thousands who descend on La- hinch each weekend to surf, swim or play golf will now have the protection of a newly installed defibrillator.

The defibrillator, which is located in the newly refurbished O’Looney’s Pub and Restaurant on the Lahi- nch Prom, was installed earlier this month after a series of local fund- raisers.

The north Clare branch of the Irish Red Cross in association with a local surf shop organised a surf- ing competition to raise the €3,000 needed to fund equipment and train- ing. Through the generosity of many local businesses and individuals the target was achieved.

“We went to all the business peo- ple in Lahinch looking for donations, anything, big and small. It is a com- munity defibrillator, it came about with some help from the Red Cross but it 1s something for all the com- munity. And it was the community itself that got this going,” said Selina O’Sullivan of the North Clare Red OKO

“We raised enough money from the surfing competition and local support for the defibrillator and training of twelve volunteers. Given the high in- cidence of heart disease and cardiac arrest in Ireland and the importance of Lahinch as a tourist destination, its a great asset to have the defibrilla- tor here in a central location.”

The North Clare Red Cross formed three years ago has a core group of around 15 members. Last month four members of the group qualified as instructors and are now in a position to train new members in-house.

“Now that we have qualified in- structors within our own group we can start running classes and bring- ing in anyone who is interested,’ evel ebeleCcre mu Yo) BUNT: E

“It’s strictly voluntary. It’s through our members that we have come as far as we have. We do need help and would love for more people to get in- volved.”

The Lahinch Community Defibril- lator Group needs new members.

For more information contact Selina at 086 3330233.

A special emergency number for the defibrillator has been set up at 087 6612002. However, remember firstly to call 112 to call activate Emergency Ambulance Service.

Cardiac arrest results in the death of approximately 18 people per day in Ireland or 6,400 per year. Early access to the Emergency Medical System (Dial 112), cardio pulmo-

nary resuscitation (CPR) and access to defibrillation can help change this Statistic.

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