
Councillors ‘wriggle’ around right of way issue

This article is from page 3 of the 2007-11-06 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 3 JPG

COUNTY Councillors from the Kil- rush area are to discuss again the proposed extinguishment of a right of way through Doonbeg Golf Club at Caherfeenick Cree, amid claims that the elected representatives have reneged on a previous agreement to postpone any decision until after an upcoming high court judicial review.

In a heated meeting last evening, the members were told by Clare County Council’s_ solicitor, John Shaw, that any decision they made on the proposal to hand over a right of way to Doonbeg Golf Club Limited in exchange to alternative access to the beach would have “no effect” on the judicial review.

The judicial review taken by the golf club against An Bord Pleanala relates to claims by the golf club that

the planning appeals board acted outside its jurisdiction.

During last evening’s meeting, while councillors often resorted to raised voices and accused each oth- er of making personal attacks, the county solicitor also advised that, if

the high court upholds the decision of An Bord Pleanala, he has been in- structed to prosecute.

In February of this year, the Kil- rush councillors agreed to postpone any decision on the right of way until after the review.

Cllr Tom Prenderville (FF) pro- posed that this agreement signed by the councillors would stand until Doonbeg Golf Club is “compliant with all planning conditions” relat- ing to developments at the club, has “removed and dismantled all unau- thorised developments” and all par- ties involved are consulted.

Cllr Pat Keane (FF) offered an amendment to the motion that dis- cussions on the right of way be de- ferred until the December meeting of the councillors.

Cllr Madeleine Taylor Quinn asked what would happen at the December discussion and did he expect a deci- sion to be made.

Three councillors – Christy Curtin (Ind), Oliver Garry (FG) and chair- man Bill Chambers (FF) – supported Cllr Keane’s amendment.

Cllr Taylor Quinn (FG) did not vote,

explaining to her colleagues that she understood the meeting was called so that they could get legal advice and no decision was to be made.

Cllr Prenderville and Cllr PJ Kelly (FF) voted against the amendment and asked councillors Keane and Curtin if they were “wriggling out” of the February agreement.

Cllr Keane argued that the council had a right to discuss the matter.

“What is the status of that docu- ment then?” asked Cllr Prenderville.

“Your signature 1s worth nothing so,” Clir Kelly told councillors Keane and Curtin across the table.

“We have done nothing to enhance public confidence here today. We have wriggled like worms out of an agreement,” said Cllr Prenderville.

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