
Council bins refuse collection call

This article is from page 17 of the 2007-11-06 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 17 JPG

CALLS for Ennis Town Council to re-establish a refuse collection serv- ice for low-income households have once again been knocked back.

The issue of refuse collection, which has been a bone of contention in the chamber since the council agreed to discontinue the service in 2005, was raised at yesterday’s meeting by Fine Gael councillor Johnny Flynn.

Cllr Flynn requested that the town manager provide a report on what would be the likely financial impact

on the Ennis Town Council 2008 an- nual budget, in the event of the intro- duction of a low-income household refuse collection subsidy.

He said, “There seems to be anec- dotal evidence, and certainly people have mentioned it to me, that people are having difficulty meeting the cost of having their rubbish collected. I have heard that with all the instances of fly tipping, that up to 25 per cent of houses in Clare are not getting their rubbish collected. A collection for old age pensioners should be provided.”

In his response, Town Clerk Eddie

Power said the council could encoun- ter legal difficulties if it decided to re-activate the service.

Mr Power said, “The present legal position has not changed since this issue was last discussed. The coun- cil’s legal advice is that the making of arrangements to subsidise low- income households in respect of the cost of refuse collection service not provided by the council would be 1- legal.”

This view was re-enforced by Town Manager Tom Coughlan who said, “You cannot subvent a charge you do

not levy. The decision was taken by the council in 2005 to discontinue the service. We are out of the system and that’s it.”

Mr Power said it would cost the council €300,000 to introduce the scheme for 1,000 houses which would mean a 6.9 per cent hike in commercial rates.

Mayor of Ennis Tommy Brennan said the council was “caught in a bind on the issue”.

Cllr Flynn called for the council to raise the issue with the Department of Family and Social Affairs.

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