
An Cupan Cafe making its mark

This article is from page 31 of the 2007-11-06 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 31 JPG

A business, which began with a kindly Mountshannon woman cook- ing up nourishing stews for weary travellers, is to feature in Georgina Campell’s Jameson Guide next year. The little house which has now be- come the Cupan Café restaurant was once the sitting room of a Mrs Flan- nery, who provided simple meals for travellers at a time when there was nothing else available in the area.

She was even know to extend her hospitality to giving them a bed for the night if they were stuck.

Dagmar Hilty took over the premis- es in 199] after ten years of running

the hotel in Mountshannon and start- ed by serving teas and coffees, but quickly discovered there was a de- mand for more substantial meals.

As she was bringing up two small children at the time, Dagmar found the premises ideal. “It had a very big sitting room, which I turned into a café and we lived in the rest of the house. It meant I could work from home.”

After the second year, she extend- ed, putting in a new fitted kitchen and equipment to offer full lunches and dinners.

“Till 1996, I cooked myself. After 1997 I employed, every season, a chef either from Switzerland or Aus-

tria,” said Dagmar.

By 2002, An Cupan Café was mak- ing it’s mark, having become a mem- ber of Bord Bia, and featured in the Georgina Campell’s Jameson Guide.

After four years of leasing the res- taurant – during which period, An Cupan added a listing in the Bridge- stone Guide to it’s accolades – Dag- mar is back in the kitchen.

In February of this year, she re- opened, with top Bavarian Chef, Thomas Turk, at the pass. Thomas has worked in Mitchelin starred res- taurants for the last five years. “The market has changed in the last four years and customers appreciate high quality food, want to know where it

comes from, and love to taste the dif- Ko None

After dropping the lunch menu, now the team “concentrate on high quality food, with a Mediterranean touch, using fresh organic herbs only, and sourcing the products locally and whenever possible organic.”

Now Dagmar has been told that the quality of her food has put her in line for the Georgina Cambell Guide next year and she is eagerly awaiting confirmation of the listing. She cur- rently employs two people full time. SW ile ucie-lene-UlM ARG UeURo Ub MOeioem OK a brief respite before opening with a spectacular Christmas menu, which will be served from December 1.

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