This article is from page 18 of the 2007-10-23 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 18 JPG
show that there are more clerical or administrative staff employed in the hospital than “medical staff’.
Nursing staff made up 134.07 of the August staffing numbers, 22.47 of the whole time equivalent staff were defined as Allied Health Care, 34.77 as Medical staff, 43.07 as cleri- cal/admin and 51.86 as Attendant/ patient services staff.
The number of support service staff was 23.7, making up 310.08 staff in Ole Ne
When the HSE imposed a recruit- ment freeze at the beginning of Sep- tember, it did so because the national budget was exceeded by €245 mil- lion.
At the time it was critical for the Ennis hospital’s overspend claiming that it exceeded its staff ceiling of 292 by 19.
The most up-to-date figures from
August also show that the per cent- age of staff missing due to sick leave was as high as five per cent.
The percentage of people absent due to sick leave was highest among the support services where 13.46 per cent of staff went absent as reported by the HSE.
Cllr Meaney said that no assump- tions should be made however as to why absenteeism is so high in certain areas but the underlying cause could be the pressure of work coming on staff in a health system that is con- stantly under pressure.
The figures did not include holiday leave. The only area in the August spend that came under budget was education and training.
€70,000 was allocated for educa- tion but just €50,000 was used for this purpose.
Although there were more cleri- cal staff listed than medical staff the budget for clerical staff went over by just €10,000 compared to medical staff pay which went over by €440,000.
The budget to pay paramedics went over by .03 million, catering and housekeeping by €.1 million and others by €.01 million.
Clinical cost were half a million euro more than predicted, with ca- tering and cleaning another half a million over.