THE long awaited traffic-calming scheme for Wilson’s Road to Stew- ard Street is a “high priority work” and is to be completed as soon as possible according to Kilrush Town Council.
Executive Engineer Derek ‘Troy said the poles for signage indicating ramps have already been installed.
All single ramp signage are due to be installed later in the week.
Following the completion of ramps, the extruded kerbing required to Whoa eL Kos MmmLUUSCCLN CO) OTM ANU MmE As (o10 mm oLommn DOG stalled, dependent on contractor ac- cessibility.
Completion of all remaining up- grades of speed limit singage, pede- setrian crossings and road markings will follow in due course.
“Due to the phased nature of the work and the attempts to keep traffic disruption to a minimum, it 1s diffi- cult to put an exact finishing date on the works,” Mr Troy told this months meeting of Kilrush town council- Keyuse
He was responding to a question from Councillor Collie Sweeney (Ind) who has requesting a progress report on the traffic calming meas- ures and the proposed eastern by- pass of Kilrush.
The need for traffic calming meas-
ures and a bypass has long been an issue for the local people
After more than a year campaign- ing and lobbying by the local HGV action group the go ahead was given for the bypass to the east of the town and traffic calming measures.
The area to be considered for the road capable of sustaining all heavy goods vehicles travelling to the Mon- eypoint Station and Roadstone is east of the west Clare capital stretching from Knockerra Cross to Dunogrog- ue Cross to west of the Killimer car ferry and on to Ballynote Cross.
As a shorter term solution Clare County Council drew up plans which include up to six pedestrian cross-
ings estimated to cost €6,000 each and eight islands costing between €2,000 and €3,000 each.
“T understand that only a handful of submissions were made to the traffic calming measures and that is a clear indication from the people that I rep- resent that they are long overdue,” Oe ieaacr nee
“Iam at pains to point out that these measures are temporary and our long-term goal is to have a by- pass of the eastern side of Kilrush town. My people have suffered for almost 30 years from HGVs rolling through our residential area since the construction of Moneypoint in 1979,” he added.