LIVING life to the full is the under- lying ethos of the soon to be formed focal point for older people in west OE
Members of the Kilrush Family Resource Centre (FRC) in conjunc- tion with retired people in the area have being working on a proposal for a number of activities to take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri- days. Viv Rooney from the Kilrush FRC is keen to remind those availing of the programme that “nothing is written in stone and they don’t have to do anything they don’t want to.”
People are free to come along and take part in some of the morning ac-
tivities, or evening activities, or drop in for a chat or a game of cards.
It is not necessary to avail of the lunch although one will be provided.
The new activity programme fund- ed under the Dormant Accounts will Support and encourage older people in the community to interact with each other and to participate in ac- tivities that will be of benefit to them not only physically but also mentally. “The Kilrush Family Resource Cen- tre wish to provide a focal point for older people of both sexes who are retired and in the 55 plus age group, to meet and engage in education, cul- tural and sporting activities, to pro- mote the spirit of self-help and inde- pendence and to encourage members
to use their energy, skills, knowledge and experience to benefit each other and the community, to encourage a positive attitude to ageing and retire- ment,’ said Ms Rooney.
‘We know that older people are in- terested in participating in activities and that they are very interested in all aspects of community life and na- tional decisions that affect them. We will offer facilitators and equipment to enable them to broaden their in- terests and connect with their neigh- bours.”
‘As the population of older people is growing we believe it is important to offer them the opportunities to stay involved in community life, keep fit and healthy through developing new
relationships and thus preventing ru- ral isolation,’ she said.
Part of the daily activity will be taught by a Go for Life facilitator this will help to improve the overall well being and physical fitness of the seniors.
The Kilrush FRC are encouraging people to come to the open morn- ing on Wednesday September 12 at 10.30am to discuss the activities they would like to participate in.
Meanwhile the Tea Dances are continuing for the winter the next one is on September 23 in Knock- erra Hall at 3pm. Transport or any other information about any of these programmes are available from Viv Rooney on 065-9052173.