
Plan for Doonbeg homes ‘based on urban design

This article is from page 14 of the 2007-09-18 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 14 JPG

THE most prominent community- based organisation in Doonbeg has expressed its opposition to plans to develop 77 homes in the west Clare AUF: Teen

In recent years, the village has en- joyed a property boom arising from the €150 million Doonbeg golf re- sort.

In its submission in relation to the plan by Brian McGoey and Niall Cunningham, the Doonbeg Com-

munity Development Company Ltd state that “the proposed development by virtue of its scale and density and the proposed neighbourhood concept does not “respect the existing char- acter of the surrounding area” and that as a consequence it “harms the amenity of adjoining properties and the surrounding area”.

The submission goes on, “The ad- ditional vehicular traffic generated by the proposal will have an adverse effect on the amenity and character of the surrounding area. You simply

cannot lift an urban design model and implant it on to a rural village especially at such a sensitive river- bank location.

‘To create a new, competing neigh- bourhood within the context of Doonbeg village conflicts with the sustainable development of the vil- lage and, we contend, with the set- tlement strategy of the Clare County Development plan 2005.

‘These houses will dominate the skyline and approach from the south along this route. We also suggest that

they may impact on, by overlooking, the streetscape of the village when approached from the west. Doonbeg Community Development Company Ltd is concerned about the scale and density of development proposed for this elevated site located in such close proximity to the riverbank. ‘“Doonbeg Community Develop- ment Company Ltd is also concerned about the construction of a compet- ing neighbourhood core. It is our contention that there are sufficient lands either zoned or currently de-

veloped for “holiday homes” within Doonbeg village.

“If permission is granted for any residential development at this loca- tion, it should be for permanent oc- cupation only. Doonbeg Community Development Ltd is not opposed to development within the settlement of Doonbeg…What is proposed for this location is an urban or suburban resi- dential development with a density of development more suited to that type of location and not the elevated river bank location here.”

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