This article is from page 11 of the 2007-09-18 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 11 JPG
THE Department of the Environment has raised questions over plans by an east Clare company to place an ultra- sonic device on top of a wind turbine to “scare” away protected bats.
Last month, Olympus Diagnostica lodged plans for the turbine arising from a company initiative “seeking a solution which would meet a portion 40-50 per cent of our electrical base load using alternative energy”.
The height of the turbine will be
200ft high and the company pointed out that this is “half the size of the industry norm”.
The company stated that it would consume all the energy from the wind turbine and there was no need for a grid connection. It pointed out that the proposal didn’t he within any recognised flight path of the Whooper Swan and the Greenland White Fronted Goose.
As part of the project, Olympus Diagnostica is planning to place an ultrasonic “scarer” that will provide
a signal to all bat species likely to en- counter the motors, while the compa- ny is to also put in place 20 bat boxes in order to provide roosts away from the zone of potential impact.
Now, in a submission to Clare County Council, the Department of the Environment state that clarifica- tion is needed regarding the reliabil- ity of the ultrasonic “‘scarer”’.
The department is aware of expert AYO MACCComUBON(O SMOT-RMLUl aol Kerem NET I MBS lonts ultrasonic “scarers” do not have any impact on deterring bats away from
a Site.
The department state the Envi- ronmental Impact Statement (EIS) lodged with the plan indicated that no bat roosts were present and sub- sequently two roosts were recorded by department staff during a site in- spection.
The department is now requesting that an extensive bat survey should be carried out by a bat ecologist to confirm which bat species are utilis- ing the proposed site for the turbine and the habitats within a 500m radius
of the proposed turbine.
The turbine is facing opposition from a local family. In their objection, Mr and Mrs JP Murphy and family State, “We are local residents, in the area for the past 60 years, and we feel that the decision taken by Olympus to erect the turbine in the position in- dicated on the submitted site plan is inconsiderate to the local landscape and setting of Rosslara Lake and its woodland surroundings.”
A decision is due on the application later this year.