
Council fires a volley at Ennis apartment plan

This article is from page 18 of the 2007-09-11 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 18 JPG

ENNIS Town Council has rejected plans by a housing association to se- cure planning permission for a five storey apartment block adjacent to Ennis Tennis and Badmintion Club.

Earlier this year, Cluid Housing As- sociation lodged plans to construct 21 one bedroom apartments and six two bedroom apartments.

However, the proposal prompted stiff opposition from the Ennis Ten- nis and Badminton Club and local

residents with the tennis club raising child protection concerns.

In its objection, the Ennis Tennis and Badminton Club states: “With a large junior membership, the club has rigorous child protection schemes. Consequently, units with views over- looking children at play is of serious concern to all members.”

In a comprehensive refusal, the council has stated that the scale, massing, height and excessive site coverage would result in over-devel- opment of the restricted site.

The council also concluded that the proposal would compete visu- ally with the Cornmarket building and Waterville House, would detract from the character for the setting of Waterville House

Officials also ruled that it failed to respect its context and contravene the Ennis and Environs Development Plan.

“The proposed development would adversely affect the setting of the protected structure and would be contrary to the proper planning

and sustainable development of the area.”

The council also refused planning permission after ruling that the site coverage, scale, massing, height and proximity would constitute over development, would result in over- looking and over-shadowing of adja- cent residential buildings and would seriously injure the amenities of property in the vicinity.

“The proposed development there- fore would materially contravene a policy of the Ennis and Environs

Development Plan 2003 and the zon- ing objective for the area which 1s to protect residential amenity.”

The council also refused planning due to the proposal’s “layout and den- sity and consequent lack of private Open space to serve the residential units would result in a sub-standard form of development which would seriously injure the amenity of future occupants”.

It is now open to Cluid Housing Association to appeal the decision to An Bord Pleanala.

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