
Cliffs stand-off set to go over the edge

This article is from page 17 of the 2007-09-04 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 17 JPG

CLARE County Council is on a col- lision course that is set to end up in court with a coach operator over the independent operators’ continu- ing refusal to use the car-park at the sem leoe

Since the centre opened in Febru- ary, independent coach operators have refused to pay the €60 to use the Cliffs car park and have instead set down their coaches at the road- side.

The actions by the coach operators have already cost the council an esti- mated €50,000 in lost revenues.

In a bid to end the practice of the coach operators setting down their buses at the roadside, the council last July deployed traffic wardens at the site.

Jackie Cronin of Glynn’s Coaches confirmed yesterday that his compa- ny has received a number of parking fines, but has so far refused to pay the fines in spite of reminders.

As a result, a court date is loom- ing for non-payment of fines and Mr Cronin said that he would welcome contesting the imposition of the fines in court.

He said, “Our legal advice is that we have a good case. These are parking fines, but the coaches are not park-

ing. They are setting down to allow the passengers get off the bus.”

Mr Cronin said, “The council is los- ing out financially, not just with the €60 charge that is not being paid, but we give our customers 50 minutes to do a tour and I’m sure that if they had more time, they would spend more in the shops in the centre.”

Mr Cronin said that the coach op- erators would be open to a coach charge of €20. He said, “I don’t know where this is going to go. It needs to be resolved but it is not costing us anything at the moment.”

Project Leader with the Cliffs of Moher visitor centre, Ger Dollard said yesterday that “the Cliffs have performed very well over the sum- mer and visitor numbers are certain- ly on a par with last year”.

He said, “The only negative aspect to the operation has been the actions of some coach operators of continu- ing to drop passengers on the road- side which remains a serious con- cern.

The council had discussions prior to the summer season and had made certain proposals in an effort to re- solve the situation. At this point we have not received a formal response. The council is of course available to further discuss the matter if request- ed to do so.”

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