This article is from page 10 of the 2007-09-04 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 10 JPG
A DEVELOPER who secured plan- ning permission for a €45 million development in the south-east Clare village of Ardnacrusha is contesting the Clare County Council demand that he pay a special contribution of €1.5 million.
Last month, Joe McMahon secured planning permission for 181 homes in the village in spite of strong local Opposition.
Now, both Mr McMahon and local
residents have appealed the decision to An Bord Pleanala.
Along with other financial contri- butions, the council is demanding that he pay a special contribution of €1.5 million.
Mr McMahon’s consultants state that the imposition of the special development “lacks transparency, is onerous and inappropriate”’.
In their appeal, consultants for Ardacrusha residents state, “Such a high density development will re- sult in an unsustainable development
pattern, with families commuting to Limerick city and other towns to uti- lise necessary public services such as primary schools, recreational facili- ties and shops.
“It is contended that these restraints render any intensive developments in Ardnacrusha, such as the nature of that currently proposed, premature until such time as the required infra- structure has been put in place.
“The density of the proposed de- velopment has been maintained at 21 dwellings per hectare. This re-
mains contrary to the provisions of the County Development Plan which identifies the Parteen villages includ- ing Ardnacrusha as being suitable for a lower residential density.
“The proposed density is consid- ered more suitable to a suburban lo- cation and if permitted would cause significant adverse impact to the es- tablished rural character of the area.
“Taking into account the lack of infrastructure and services in the area, a development of the scale and nature as currently proposed is con-
sidered premature.
‘The proposed development by vir- tue of its density, layout, design and style is completely at odds with the established low density rural charac- ter of Ardnacrusha and would there- fore result in a significant negative impact on the residential amenity of the area. The proposed development would have an acceptable negative impact on traffic and would endanger public safety in the area.”
A decision is due on the appeal later this year.