
Kilkee alert over meningitis scare

This article is from page 15 of the 2007-08-21 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 15 JPG

KILKEE was at the centre of a health scare this week, as a young holiday- maker was taken to Ennis General Hospital suffering from a life-threat- ening form of meningitis.

The Limerick teen, who was d1i- agnosed with the deadly and highly contagious form of meningitis at the Seaside resort, 1s now out of ICU and believed to be recovering well.

A spokesperson for the HSE said the 17-year-old was “stable and com- fortable”. Family and friends who had been in contact with the girl, from Crecora, County Limerick, were given antibiotics as a precau- tion and the public health depart- ment of the HSE notified.

“There were 269 cases of bacte- rial meningitis detected in the mid-

west over the past eight years. Dur- ing the period 1998-2003, a total of 11 people who contracted bacterial meningitis in the mid-west died as a result,’ a spokesperson of the HSE Mid West.

There have been no fatalities from the disease between 2004 and 2006, according to the HSE.

The disease, which infects fluid in the spinal cord and around the brain, TSM Busre1nere MMU lH OMr-DeL Ble) Ce) Bl ee

Symptoms of bacterial meningitis include stiff neck, rash, drowsiness, fever, cold hands and feet and abnor- mal skin colouring.

All cases of suspected bacterial meningitis and meningococcal dis- ease must be reported to the Depart- ment of Public Health.

An area medical officer then inves- tigates each case.

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