
A new look for Kilkee Parish church

This article is from page 27 of the 2007-08-21 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 27 JPG

KILKEE Parish Church is getting a makeover, the aim of which is to open up the imposing building to the community.

As well as dressing up the aesthet- ics of the 1960s building, practical work is also being undertaken.

Leaks in the facade and window are being sealed, the car park is being made more users friendly, and the church is being made more Wheelchair accessible.

Kilkee Parish Council Finance Committee are over seeing the project, with local artist Paddy Mur- ray declared the brainchild of the new design.

Parish Priest Donagh O’Meara said

that the church was originally built in 1963 with a summer congregation bomeeneeren

As aresult it can hold 1,200 people. During four to five weeks during the summer the church 1s filled to capac- ity as 10,000 people make Kilkee their summer home.

Come the winter however, when the local population reaches approx1- mately 1,500 people the church can be quiet empty.

Work has already began in the €200,000 renovation project but Mass and ceremonies are continuing as usual.

“The church needs to be opened and made more friendly and acces- sible,’ said Fr O’Meara.

“We need to make it part of the

community rather than having it en- closed.”

The grounds of the church have been the scene of numerous organ- ised community gatherings such as barbeques.

By lowering the walls so the peo- ple can sit on them and merging the three entrances into two it is expected that the grounds will be more easily available for community gatherings.

While the building is very “func- tional” it is not the most aesthetically pleasing church in the county, so trees are to be added to its surrounds for a less imposing and warm effect.

The leak in its brick walls is caus- ing dampness in the church especial- ly in the sanctuary and the front of Weom@slerKeee

“The problem is the salt air does damage,’ said Fr O’Meara. “The bricks get porous from the air.”

While the bad weather has ham- pered some of the work to date it 1s hoped that it will all be completed in October.

Fundraising is continuing in the area for the project.

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