
SkyCourt crestfallen

This article is from page 17 of the 2007-06-19 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 17 JPG

A TABLE rating the efficiency of shopping centres, which puts Shan- non third from the bottom in the country is seriously flawed, accord- ing to SkyCourt’s manager.

The Crest Shopping Centre pro- ductivity review, published in the na- tional media recently, rates Skycourt third worst of 50 centres rated coun- trywide, coming after the Jetland Shopping Centre in Limerick and the Nutgrove centre in Dublin.

But Pat Kelly, manager of Sky- Court Shannon said that the review ‘is flawed and is based on inaccurate information. Crest has told me that

their survey has estimated the aver- age SkyCourt rent at E60 per sq. ft. In fact, the average rent here is sub- stantially less than that figure and in some cases is almost 60 per cent lower.”

He said that the survey also claimed that footfall Ge numbers of shoppers visiting a centre) is falling through- out the country. The opposite is the case at SkyCourt where footfall has increased by an average of 10/15 per cent per annum over three years.

“It 1s regrettable that Crest didn’t check the basic figures with us before publishing their review. As a result, their assessment of SkyCourt is both inaccurate and unfair,” he said.

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