
Lisdoonvarna students go to the grass roots

This article is from page 90 of the 2007-06-19 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 90 JPG

Down through the years Mary Im- maculate Secondary School in Lis- doonvarna has proved to be a hotbed of talent when it comes to volleyball and they’re branching out right now and getting their transition year stu-

dents involved in coaching the ac- tion.

A number of trophies have come to the school since the start of the 1980s and this year the transition year stu- dents were began coaching primary school students in their own area.

The programme was run by the

Volleyball Association of Ireland in conjunction with the Irish Sports Council and Women in Sport and was open to transition year girls only. Last November eleven girls from the Lisdoonvarna school participated in a training day followed by further training in January.

In February they began coaching in two primary schools, Lisdoonvarna and Kilshanny and when the training was complete they took on two fur- ther schools, Fanore and Kilfenora. In total about 90 primary school pu- pils received coaching.

The culmination of this initiative 1s

a volleyball blitz organised by these coaches for all students who had tak- en part in the coaching. This blitz is completely organised by the transi- tion year coaches and went ahead on Friday at the Ennistymon Commu- nity Centre where a huge amount of talent was on show from all schools.

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