
Housing agency opens doors

This article is from page 16 of the 2007-06-19 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 16 JPG

THRESHOLD’S new housing ad- vice centre at the Citizens Informa- tion Centre in Ennis was officially launched by Threshold Midwest Co-ordinator Louise Kennedy in the Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis last week.

The outreach service which will be held on the second Tuesday of every month will provide free and confi- dential information, advice and sup- port for people with housing prob- anak

According to Citizens Informa- tion Centres Manager, Paul Woulfe, the service is seeing an increasing number of housing related queries and welcomes the intervention that this new service can provide.

Speaking at the launch, Louise Kennedy said Threshold was com-

mitted to helping the people of Clare to secure and maintain good quality housing suited to their needs.

“Our longer-term plans include a placement service that will help vul- nerable people who need our help to get private rented accommodation.”

Threshold can intervene before problems become unmanageable by negotiating with the landlord or by helping the tenant to locate alterna- tive accommodation.

“We can also support a tenant to take a dispute with their landlord to the Private Residential Tenancies Board.”

Threshold is a national not-for-prof- it organisation established in 1978. Threshold’s housing advice serv- ices are focused on people who are in greatest need of support, mainly people living at the low-priced end

of the rented market, people living in social housing, and people who are homeless.

“The number of immigrants seek- ing Threshold’s help is also growing eyetslelore-l eas

Threshold provides advice on hous- ing rights, mediates with landlords or local authorities on behalf of tenants with problems and supports tenants who bring disputes to the Private Residential Tenancies Board.

“Last year Threshold helped over 20,000 people through its advice centres in Cork, Dublin, Galway and Diitouee

People with a housing problem can make an appointment or drop in to the centre. They can also have their query answered by phone 061 405400, email limerick @threshold. ie, or by letter.

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