
Council policy to encourage new investment

This article is from page 13 of the 2007-06-19 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 13 JPG

A NEW policy has gone before mem- bers of Clare Council County aimed at channelling investment across se- lected towns in the county.

In the paper put before the council’s Special Policy Committee on Eco- nomic Development by Liam Con- neally last Friday, he revealed that the council is currently liaising with Shannon Development in relation to the potential for additional economic development on Shannon Develop-

ment owned lands at Kildysart, En- nis, Kilkee and Miltown Malbay.

The SPC is under the chairman- ship of Clir Richard Nagle (FF).

Mr Conneally said, “It has been Clare County Council policy not to duplicate the process of acquiring lands for economic development in towns where Shannon Development already have a significant land bank. Shannon Development is in posses- sion of 750 acres of industrial lands in the county and four million sq ft of floor space. The council is con-

scious that its work must provide ad- ditionality instead of duplication in the area of economic development promotion.

‘The towns considered most suit- able for this type of approach are Ennis, Shannon, Kilrush, Killaloe, Scariff and Ennistymon owing to particular to their size, their poten- tial for population growth and the requirement in these areas for prop- erty solutions for growing small and medium indigenous enterprises.

He added, “In those instances

where large tracts of land have been zoned, the acquisition of smaller sections of the land holding with maximum road frontage are being advanced.

“The acquisition of the lands will require the availability of a seed fund to acquire the land bank essential to further the model set out.”

Mr Conneally also revealed that in order to kick start the initiative in Ennis, a site located to the south of the town currently zoned ‘other set- tlement land’ was been considered

in regard to its suitability to cater for small growing enterprises requiring property solutions.

In relation to Kilrush the council confirmed that it was in possession of two acres of industrial land at Kil- ubtsee

Mr Conneally said, “The coun- cil has recently partnered Kilrush Town Council, Shannon Develop- ment, Leader, Eiri Corca Bascinn in a feasibility study funded by Leader to audit community facilities 1n west OE ikne

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