This article is from page 18 of the 2007-06-19 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 18 JPG
ENNIS Town Council has intro- duced a raft of new measures aimed at streamlining the chamber’s deci- sion-making process.
The council undertook a review of the standing orders governing meet- ings of Ennis Town Council follow- ing debate over the effectiveness of current procedures.
Changes were adopted regarding notices of motion, the order of busi- ness, the date of and timing of meet- ings and the suspension of standing orders.
Explaining the reasons for the changes, town manager Jom Cough- lan said greater clarity was needed for the council to operate more ef- fectively. Mr Coughlan was speak- ing at the June meeting of Ennis steam Oretiene
He said, ““We had a situation at one meeting where we took a decision on an issue and then changed it at anoth- er meeting. The discussion should be on the accuracy of the minutes as op- posed to the decision taken”.
Responding to a question put for- ward by Green Party councillor Donal O’Bearra, Mr Coughlan said councillors did not have to wait un- til monthly meetings to raise council
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“You can raise issues at any time and we will try to get you an answer. These changes are useful for the pur- pose of the council actually having achieved something at the meeting.”
The amendments, which drew the most debate, were those concerning notices of motion.
Under the new system “any mem- ber of the council may submit a ques- tion for inclusion in the agenda in the Same manner as a notice of motion maybe submitted under standing or- der number 14.
“Each such question shall be sub- ject to the rules relating to notice of motion as defined under standing order number 19. Questions shall be dealt with by written reply without discussion.
Concern was raised over the revised standing order that bans discussion of responses given to notices of mo- tion. Green Party councillor Donal O’Bearra question what councillors could do if they were unhappy with the response.
Mayor of Ennis Joe Reidy (FF) said the changes were needed.
“The order of business was being skipped from one meeting to the oth- er and the important stuff was being left out.”