
MEP supports Shannon to Dublin flights

This article is from page 4 of the 2007-06-12 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 4 JPG

MEP Jim Higgins (FG) has lent his support to efforts by Shannon Town Council to get the Government to ap- ply for an EU subsidy that could see a return of daily flights from Shannon to Dublin.

It comes despite Ryanair announc- ing the commencement of its service from Shannon to Dublin from this November.

The Public Service Operation (PSO) scheme gives financial assist- ance to certain essential but unprofit-

able transport routes offered out for tender. It currently supports several routes in regional airports such as Kerry, Sligo and Galway.

“The Government would have to apply to the EU Commission in Brus- sels for this assistance. There will be conditions to do with competition law and negotiations but the commission is very Sympathetic towards Shannon since the introduction of Open Skies. Once an application is made, my col- leagues and I can enlist support and stress the importance of it.”

As Fine Gael transport spokesman,

Higgins was instrumental in con- vincing the Government to apply for a PSO ruling for commuter routes to and from Knock Airport.

“The Knock commuter flights are packed because there is such a huge demand,” he added.

Shannon councillor Sean McLough- lin (FG) said that the council agreed last week to send a letter on the matter to the incoming minister for transport.

‘“PSOs are not restricted to internal flights but the return of a daily Shan- non to Dublin route would be wel-

come. If properly timed, this route would allow people to fly to Dublin, get a return flight to Europe and be back in Shannon that night. This would really benefit business people. Ryanair is planning a Shannon/Dub- lin route but the times have not been announced and they are key for con- necting flights.”

“If this was subsidised, the pressure would be off. Up to 200 people a day were using this route at its height and it could run all year around… Shan- non will survive once the infrastruc- ture and financial support are there.”

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