DESPITE a request for focus on playing matters, off the field contro- versies surrounding Clare hurling are to be the subject of further ex- amination.
That was the contradictory view expressed by the Clare County Board in a statement released late on Thurs- CP hasan rcanle
The statement pertained to matters discussed at a behind closed doors meeting of the County Board where a proposed vote of no confidence in manager Tony Considine was dis- cussed at length, but later withdrawn with no vote taken.
Beforehand County PRO Des Crowe informed assembled local and national media that they would not be allowed to report on the meeting.
SU slepaslereb MVE KE Ones NO eBE ROK! at the request of the board, he said. This decision, according to Crowe,
was based on sensitive legal issues that arose out of an investigation car- ried out by Chairman Michael Mc- Donagh and School’s Liaison officer John Fawl into the events which led to the departure of players including Davy Fitzgerald and coaching staff from the county set up.
“Trust us” urged Crowe, who said that a full statement on the meet- ing would be provided in I5 to 20 minutes. Any documents discussed would also be furnished, he stated.
The meeting started at 8.55pm but there was no word after 20 minutes. There was still no official word after an hour. 11.02pm and finally, white smoke.
Crowe rushed down stairs to the assembled media and flung open the doors leading to the almost empty bar.
The statement, written on A4 pa- per, contained one clear message — the focus is now totally on the May
27 clash with Cork in the quarter-fi- nal of the Munster Hurling Champi- onship. But then Crowe read, “After a full and frank discussion it was agreed that the matters would be rested at this time”.
In other words, the book was closed – but only temporarily. Crowe also confirmed that a motion of no con- fidence in manager Tony Considine had been tabled.
The motion was seconded, but after further debate was withdrawn. Smith O’Briens delegate Tony O’Brien put forward the motion and according to Crowe the seconder did not want their identity made public.
Crowe said, “There was a seconder for it. It was genuine, it came from genuine people. After the thing was discussed, the delegates spoke with the total focus to be on May 27. There was no problem for the proposer and seconder withdrawing the motion. I’ve been told not to [give name of
seconder]. It would be fair to say that the team manager was hardly men- tioned. It would also be right to tell you that in view of the fact that the Chairman and John Fawl had been investigating matters and talking to people, they spoke with all involved in what has been known to every- body in the media over the last three or four months in Clare GAA. There was a call from members of the team including the captain that there is full confidence in the training and the management and all they wanted to do tonigh wast put this thing to bed, forget about it and go forward and focus on the Clare/Cork game on May 27”.
However, when pressed further, Crowe confirmed the matter would be re-visited.
“This is the end of it as far as the County Board is concerned, as far we re all concerned. After the motion was withdrawn it was unanimous that
the focus is on Cork on May 27, but as we said in our official statement, the matter will be revisited further down the road”
He added, “Obviously it’s not going to happen between games. That’s a problem that people pointed out to- night, but at the end of the day the problem at the moment is we’re three weeks away from a Munster Cham- pionship game. But I won’t deny the fact that there were very strong feel- ings in the room. There were hurtful views. But at the end of the day eve- rybody is unanimous that the focus must be on Cork for the 27 and after that, who knows’.
Who knows indeed? This one could run and run.