
Council backs poster prohibition

This article is from page 32 of the 2007-05-22 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 32 JPG

ENNIS Town Council are to write to the government requesting a change in the current rules on displaying election posters in urban centers.

Members opted to do so after de- ciding against adopting a policy that would have seen posters be given a designated area.

The proposal was put forward by Green Party councillor Donal O’Beara and follows a similar sys- tem to one used in France.

Proposing the motion, Cllr O’ Beara called for “the council to adopt a sys-

tem of providing a designated area of panels for posters would avoid the cost, litter potential, inequality due to differing means of raising finance and waste associated with traditional postering. It would continue the pro- motion of elections and democratic system and assist Ennis Tidy Town’s OKO) a ae

Prior to the general election cam- paign, Ennis Town Council wrote to all candidates requesting they refrain from erecting posters within the town. The request was made in light of the town’s success in the an- nual Tidy Towns competition.

Cllr O’Beara added, ““We’ve taken a step forward with the current sys- tem. I think we should take it to the next level and lead the way on this”.

Town manager Tom Coughlan sug- gested more information would be required before the policy could be fully adopted.

“We make informed policy deci- sions but we can’t advise here be- cause we don’t have the full informa- nln

“[’m not opposed to the proposal. I would have to know whether it is possible to do it and I don’t know if we can do it or not.”

Cllr Tatwoo Matthew (Ind) stated more information would be needed. Cllr Tommy Brennan (Ind) said ‘Everyone has respected the current system, if it is working so well why change it”.

Cllr Peter Considine (FF) proposed that the walls be multi-functional “There is a growing cult of graffiti walls in towns and cities that are used by artists. You could set aside two or three panels for it. If we are doing this we might as well go the whole hog”. Town Clerk Eddie Power said problems could develop in enforcing the policy.

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