
Uncontrollable rage

This article is from page 16 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 16 JPG

HE REACHED into a brown Dunnes Stores bag and considered what he was going to do. His hand touched a hatchet, he pulled it out of the bag and swung his plan into action. There was no going back and within min- utes Liam Moloney would lie dead, having been butchered by a man he thought he knew.

Anthony Kelly told gardai that a plan to kill Liam Moloney a week earlier did not materialise. However, there was going to be no hesitation on February 11, 2005.

He swung the axe and inflicted 17 blows on his victim’s head, before slashing his throat with a_ knife, at Port House, close to Ruan.

Kelly said there were voices in his head which directed him to kill the WEG ene Melu ioe

“IT could feel this thing building up inside me. I never felt like this before in my life. I felt possessed, I think is the word. Looking back, it was something like it,” he said.

Uncontrollable feelings of anger and rage had built up inside him

over the previous weeks. He believed Liam Moloney was racist. Kelly was married to a woman from Paraguay and he said he took exception to some comments made by Mr Molo- ney. However this assertion about racism was disputed in evidence by two former colleagues of the former Aer Lingus employee.

Kelly told gardai that he believed his victim stored cash in his apart- ment in Ennis. Mr Moloney had re- tired from Aer Lingus in Shannon in January 2002 and had received a severance package of €71,000.

Immediately after the killing, Kelly went to Mr Moloney’s apartment and stole between €500 and €600. He then drove to Shannon and picked up a teenage boy – as arranged – and drove to his home in Waterville, Kerry. The following day he got the unsuspecting young boy to assist him to destroy the evidence.

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