
Siblings are coming from all over to Clare

This article is from page 35 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 35 JPG

IS it just me or is it starting to get crowded in here? Greek officials were in Clare last week to dot the I’s and cross the T’s for the twinning of the town with Shimatari in Greece.

Ennistymon is already twinned with the Pozzo Leone in Italy and this second twinning, or ‘tripleting’, takes place as a result of the Italians’ relationship with Shimatari as well as through the work of Clare County Council, Clare Tourism Council and Project Ennistymon.

A group from Shimatari, including the town’s mayor Evagelos Georgiou

with his wife Stella, were in Clare this week visiting the sites and get- ting to know the local people. Aside from Ennistymon, the group also visited the Cliffs of Moher and the Burren as well as parts of west and east Clare.

“Twinning encourages co-opera- tion between these old cultures. It also encourages people to visit areas of the world that they would not have known about otherwise,” said Mayor of Clare, Flan Garvey.

“Another big part of the programme is to encourage students to take part in the exchanges and visit other coun- tries. Twinning here in Clare has al-

ways had a good track record and we have always succeeded through our schools.”

Shimatari is a seaside town some 60 miles south of Athens, with a popu- lation of 8,500 people. The twinning could lead to more visits and ex- changes between the two towns.

A group of schoolchildren from Shimatari have already visited En- nistymon and the Vocational School is looking at making the return jour- ney in the future.

A delegation from Ennistymon will travel to Shimatari later this year, Where the final formal declaration will be signed.

‘It also makes people aware of plac- es that they never would have heard of before. It helps tourism grow and develop back and forth. It’s a great opportunity for us to show off what we have to offer,” continued Flan.

“It is of great benefit to the local tourism economy. When these peo- ple visit here, they spend money on food, drink and accommodation. It is an ongoing thing and something that will continue to grow as the years go on.

“Signing up to the twinning just copperfastens the programme and ensures that it will continue long into som RU IRUD Rome

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