
No bail for ‘out of control addict

This article is from page 18 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 18 JPG

A JUDGE has refused to grant bail to an “out of control” young drug addict who has admitted several bur- glary charges, as he feared he would immediately re-offend.

Gerard O’Connor (18), of Chapel Street, Killaloe, pleaded guilty to more than 20 charges, including bur- glary and criminal damage of vari- ous business premises in Killaloe, between September 2006 and Febru- ary 2007.

Garda John Mulvihill told Shannon District Court that the burglaries were for the accused’s personal gain, “to feed his alcohol or drug habits”.

Judge Aeneas McCarthy said, “I cannot understand how someone with this amount of charges is still at large.”

Defending solicitor Daragh Hassett pointed out that the accused was in custody, having been arrested last


Mr Hassett said his chent “went on a rampage with others and caused serious disharmony. He was stealing, breaking into premises and caus- ing damage at will, until the gardai caught up with him.”

“He has got seriously and heav- ily involved rhe) erat nea since his mid- teens,’ said deTomro) een KO)

He said the accused was “out of con- trol”, smoking cannabis and taking speed, while he was Ko repsew ame B ie! the offences.

“He was, to

some extent, relieved to be caught,” he said.

Garda Mulvihill agreed that the ac- cused did not have a lot of guidance from home and that he had devel- oped a serious drug problem.

Mr Hassett said his client required

treatment aI Bushypark or an equivalent unit, without delay. He said he had been assaulted twice during the past week in St Patrick’s Institution, ““be- cause he is from WeomeOltbe LOM Ae Judge McCa- rthy said he was not willing to release the ac- cused on to the streets “to com-

mit more crime, until I am satisfied there is a place for him in Bushypark and that he is prepared to take that re) e-Nerome

He said he had no doubt but that the accused would re-offend, if granted ey nee

“I have a duty to this man and [| have a duty to society so that it is not affected by this man’s criminal be- haviour,’ said the judge.

“This is the real world. I’ve no doubt if I release this man, he is going to do the same thing again tonight because he needs money for drugs,” he said.

The judge remanded the young man in custody to Limerick prison for a month. He ordered that a Pro- bation report be carried out, with emphasis on residential placement for substance abuse.

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