
New opportunities for Scariff students

This article is from page 28 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 28 JPG

PUPILS and staff at Scariff Com- munity College are preparing to take on a brave new world, with the start- up of a subject that will see students abandon copy books for lap-tops.

The school is preparing to intro- duce the latest subject to be added to the Leaving Certificate programme, Design and Communication Graph- ee

The new subject will come on- stream next September and _ the school is currently in the process of acquiring the necessary lap-tops and

preparing course materials.

“Tt’s an exciting challenge and we’re looking forward to it,’ said Deputy Principal, John O’Donovan.

The new subject is not the only new start at the east Clare community college.

Last week, students, teachers and parents representatives gathered for a rededication ceremony after the school building got a €2.5 million re-vamp.

When it was discovered last year that there was asbestos in the roof, it was decided to replace it.

The Office of Public Works stepped

in to do the work and this gave the school an opportunity for a complete overhaul, including new flooring and decor.

And now they have also been given a Department of Education grant to re-equip rooms for practical subjects such as engineering and woodwork.

“We’re very pleased that the OPW paid for the work on the roof. The school could never have afforded it and now everything has been done to the highest standards of safety and design,’ Mr O’Donovan said.

At the rededication ceremony, school chaplain, Fr Brendan Quinl-

livan lead the prayers. School prin- cipal, Sean Daly acted as mc and traditional music was performed by Students from the school, with solo singing from student Edel O’Grady.

Local politicians attended the cer- emony as guests along with students, teachers and members of the Board of Management and the Parents Council.

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