
Kulrush’s John Paul Estate to get a makeover

This article is from page 12 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 12 JPG

A CONTRACTOR has been chosen and a deal is due to be signed in the coming days for a complete overhaul of the John Paul Estate in Kilrush.

Kilrush Town Council members were told that Martin Fitzgibbon Builders Ltd have been awarded the contract, which is worth €3.7 mil- lion.

The work will include the demoli- tion of 28 houses in one block and the infill development of seven hous- es. Back gardens will be lengthened

and made more secure with bounda- ry walls, while back lanes which had become the site of anti-social behav- iour are to be done away with.

Twenty local authority homes will be completely refurbished and cen- tral heating installed and a new com- munal amenity space will be created at the centre of Willow Green.

Members were told that to facilitate the project, some tenants would have to be temporarily relocated.

In a report on the move, town clerk Fiona Mooney said she wanted to “praise the families for their co-op-

eration in the temporary accommo- dation arrangements and for their support for the development.

“The level of positive engagement by these residents has been very hearten- ing and we are looking forward to continuing this positive momentum throughout the pilot phase.”

She described the upcoming sign- ing of contracts as “a red letter day” for the future of the local authority estate.

Cllr Tom Prendeville (FF) said that he wanted to compliment the clerk and the councillors “for champion-

ing this project. It is very satisfying that the people who live there have become empowered and they are fully behind this project.”

Council members were told that a project manager for the estate had also been appointed and was due to take up his office in the last week in May.

Earlier this year, Kilrush Town Council completed the installation of a street CCTV system in the estate.

The cameras are in situ at various points around the estate keeping a close watch on potential offenders

and bringing peace of mind to its many residents.

The cameras are distributed within the six areas that make up the estate and there is a link with the local Garda station, from where the cam- eras can be monitored.

Town clerk Fiona Mooney said that the CCTV installation was part of a multi-agency action plan of initia- tives that contributed to the overall regeneration programme for the John Paul Estate area.

She added that the vast majority of the community wanted the CCTV.

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