This article is from page 19 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 19 JPG
ENNIS Chamber of Commerce yes- terday (Monday) had its say in the General Election campaign with the launch of its manifesto.
It outlined issues of concern to the Ennis business community using feedback from its members.
Chamber President Michael Evans took the opportunity to express his disappointment with the level of re- sponse the chamber received from the candidates when the manifesto was sent to them and a meeting re-
quested four weeks ago.
‘To date, we have met with Timmy Dooley, Madeleine Taylor-Quinn, Brian Meaney, Pat Breen and Brendan Daly. We have received written re- sponses from Tony Killeen and James Breen as well as commitment for a meeting from Murt Collins.
“As the representative organisa- tion for business in Ennis, we can provide the candidates with a forum for important issues to be addressed. Strong businesses provide guaran- teed employment and are the only sector of society paying rates – both
commercial and water – which in En- nis accounts for over a third of the town council’s finances,” he said. Rita Mc Inerney, CEO added, “En- nis Chamber plans to meet with the four newly-elected Clare representa- tives immediately after the next gov- ernment is formed to emphasis again the issues of the Ennis Chamber manifesto and to receive firm com- mitments to action on the issues.” Among the issues highlighted were Shannon Airport, Ennis hospital, water in Ennis, the bypass, CCTV AVOCGMbOUBeAKinae GA bKes