This article is from page 28 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 28 JPG
IT’S A long way from Bodyke to Bu- rundi but a development charity which has been set up to link the two 1s bridg- ing that distance.
The idea for the charity came from Leocadie Murray who is a native of the village of Karambi in Burundi and who is married in Bodyke, County OE
During four visits to Karambi be- tween July 2005 and Oct 2006 Leo- cadie tried to get a better understand- ing of the main problems affecting the village through a series of meetings and competitions.
As a result of this, meetings were held in Bodyke earlier this year with
the aim of forming a charity to help with the development of the village and A2B (Aid to Burundi) was formed.
The charity now has a committee and constitution and has applied for DU KeoMIE-IRUISD
A2B is planning fundraising activi- ties starting this month.
As well as fundraisers, A 2B is plan- ning to go into the schools to give talks and organise events which will “lead to a greater level of awareness among the community in relation to the char- ity and to third world development in general”, a spokesman for the charity eIOb
“In Burundi A2B are funding a de- velopment worker, Raziki Gaspard, to act as an extension worker with the
villagers and as a liason between A2B and the various village committees. The needs and ideas of the population which he will develop will form the basis of the micro-projects which will be set up in the village,” the spokes- pPOLDOMNT-0(6 B
Special attention will be given to projects’ sustainability and to the vil- lagers contribution to them. They will either be financed by A2B or co-fi- nanced with other aid organisations in Ireland.
The supervision of these projects will be carried out by Raziki Gaspard with regular interventions by Leocadie Zlob wee hyA
During the course of his work a more detailed study of the major problems
in the village was carried out by the project worker. The findings have identified eight priority areas where the needs of the village are greatest, the first being the need for clean drink- TPAToMA Weed
It is hoped that further research can be done on this project by June for an application for funding from the Development Council of Ireland. It’s hoped work on the project should be- gin later on in the year.
As part of the fundraising drive, a coffee evening will be held in Has- sett’s bar, Tuamgraney after 6.30pm mass on Saturday, May 19 and a coffee morning will be held in the lounge of the Cobblers Rest, Bodyke after Mass on Sunday, May 20.