This article is from page 29 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 29 JPG
VANDALS have made repeated at- tacks on an east Clare facility, leav- ing householders without a sewerage treatment plant for their homes.
Council staff have been working overtime to try to put right damage which has been caused on a number of occasions recently to the treatment plant at Shannon Banks.
The vandals broke into the enclo- sure around the sewerage treatment plant to damage the plant.
As the enclosure is also used as a storage space for the county council’s maintenance equipment, the local authority is now having to consider
removing the equipment and storing it further away.
Local councillor, Cathal Crowe says he has gone to the Gardai to dis- cuss what can be done about the van- dalism and problems with anti-social behaviour in general.
“The Shannon Banks housing estate is being vandalised on an ongoing basis. I regularly receive complaints from people in the area regarding the congregation of gangs and anti-social behaviour in the vi- cinity of the scout hall and river side walk,” he said.
The councillor added that it has “now emerged that vandals have en- tered the sewage treatment facility
on several occasions and caused un- told damage. In recent weeks coun- cil workers have had to spend several evenings repairing this damage.” The councillor explained that Clare County Council regularly use the fenced-in compound yard that sur- rounds the treatment plant for stor- ing equipment and machinery. “If the vandalism continues the council may be forced to have to relocate this equipment. This would be a very un- fortunate outcome as it is vital for a store of machinery and equipment to be at hand for general maintenance work in the local community.” Gardai say they are investigating the incidents of vandalism and are
monitoring and investigating any re- ports of anti-social behaviour on an on-going basis.
“IT have met and spoken with the local community guard regarding my concerns. Shannon Banks has always been a quiet, residential es- tate. It is however, vital that urgent attention is given to the tackling of anti-social behaviour in the area,’ OO voy (ons bter
He added that he will be staying in touch with the Gardai, local residents and council officials to see what can be done to try to resolve the issues before any further damage is done to the vital facilities.