This article is from page 32 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 32 JPG
CLARE’S Dail hopefuls are to be evaluated in report cards to be pub- lished two days before the general election.
Residents of Riverview will release findings of their own opinion poll on May 22. The report cards will judge candidates commitment to the two year campaign waged by residents against the siting of a mast at an ESB substation in Cahercalla More.
Residents are currently engaged in a costly high profile legal battle with the ESB. They are seeking a judicial review of An Bord Pleandala’s deci- sion to grant planning permission to the ESB.
The case was due before the courts in March but is not expected to be heard for at least three months.
Residents are unhappy that the pro- posed site is located near the the Eire Og playing grounds and a number of residential areas as well as St Flan- nan’s College.
A spokesperson for the residents said, “over the past two years we have found ourselves in a battle for our democratic rights. One always assumes that the democratic process will protect you if you abide by it. To be told by a government agency that you and your families are to be sac- rificial lambs for your Governments plan in the national interest is simply intolerable.”
The residents admit scoring for each candidate is subjective, but in- sist it needs to be published. They hope the report card will influence the deicisions of voters on polling day.
The spokesperson continued, “The last two years have been very inform- ative for us, when this issue came to light the reaction of our elected rep- resentatives varied greatly. Some of them we never heard from and two years later still have not.
“Others have campaigned tirelessly at the highest level for two years and have publicly acknowledged that in- justice was happening, and others paid us lip service, had the obligato- ry letter sent from their constituency
office and at the same time more or less told us, tough, someone has to suffer, this is good for the economy. “It was very apparent to us that there are three types of politician. The first one just wants to get elected and won’t come near us again for five years, the second type is the public representative who will genuinely try to represent their constituents to ensure that justice applies to all, and the third is the one who feels that they are our political master, and are there to govern us, not represent us. “Many people voting in this elec- tion will, over the term of the next government, find themselves in need of political assistance. We hope that this will act as a guide for them.”