
Bringing out the Mediterranean touch

This article is from page 32 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 32 JPG

AN exhibition of vibrant paintings by Irish artist, John Hughes will be on exhibition at the Ennis Art Gal- OMAN Woe ©

Born in 1973 in Kildare Town, John left Ireland 10 years ago to live in Spain. The move had a major im- pact on his art.

John explains, “My palette changed from greens, blues and tones of grey to encompass the rich reds, yellows and purples of Spain.”

SERMON Str molBeCnNmPNNELeCo eer! by El Bosch, Breugel, El Greco, Van

De Weyden and Goya.

“My experience of life and constant gallery visits have served to mould me. I enjoy painting nature and peo- ple. Although I feel I’ve taken notes from so many artists that I could eas- ily fill the page with their names.

“T went to Stillorgan art founda- tion course for one year and that was great in that I met other people but I always knew that I wanted to paint. I know what I want so I wasn’t at- tracted any further down that road.”

John continues, “I loved how the tree trunks become stills or support- ing struts in the paintings, they help

to contain blocks of colour and lend a certain order and security to the works. I enjoy the bursts of colour and flares of colour that Spain has to offer, they seem so unreal.”

Up to 50 works or art will be on public display in the Ennis Art Gal- lery with prices ranging from €300 to €4,000. The Ennis Art Gallery is situated in the centre of Ennis and exhibits quality contemporary Irish art by established and emerging art- ists.

The gallery is on two floors-the eround floor exhibits work from var- ious Irish artists and the first floor

holds a mix of solo and group shows throughout the year.

Artists currently exhibiting in the gallery include Brian Ballard, John Brobbel, Gerard Casey, Sean Cotter, Clare Cryan, Jack Donovan, Lesley Fennell, Michael Gemmell, Trevor Geoghegan, Carol Hodder, Amy Hoedemakers, Patricia Jorgensen, Gavin Lavelle, Paddy Lennon, Bob Lynn, John Morris, John Nolan, Sen- an O’Brien, Yanny Petters, JP Roon- ey, Annie Robinson, Rose Stapleton, Ger Sweeney, Carol Ann Waldron, Manus Walsh and Kenneth Webb.

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