
Shannon is peachy-keen for 10k run

This article is from page 30 of the 2007-05-08 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 30 JPG

SHANNON company, Peach Re- cruitment, will give local people a run for their money to benefit four charities with their third annual 10k run in the town on Sunday after- noon.

As this is the last time that the company will organise the Peach 10k Shannon run it is hoped that this year’s event will raise over €35,000, to reach an accumulated target of € 100,000.

Derek Barrett, Managing Director of Peach Recruitment, said that the event has been enormously success- ave

“The first time around we raised

€38,000 and over the past two years this event has raised in excess of €65,000 for charity, which is a phe- nomenal achievement for a locally organised event. For many partici- pants, this is the perfect opportunity to contribute to charity work on both a local and national scale. Our ab- solute priority for the run will be to raise as much awareness and money for each nominated charity as possi- ble. People are extremely generous,” he said.

This year’s nominated charities are local branches of Multiple Sclerosis and Children with Special Needs as well as Milford Hospice in Limerick and Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Dublin.

The company ensures that money raised locally stays locally.

‘We have supported lots of differ- ent charities but they are all chosen because people have been involved with them in some shape or form. For example, there is funding available for multiple sclerosis but not enough and we’ve specifically asked that the money will be spent on physiothera- py in the Shannon area,’ he added.

Runners can also nominate their own charities and they are asked to register with the company so that an official record can be kept of dona- tions.

Mr Barrett hopes that another eroup or company will keep carry- ing the 10k torch.

“We decided to finish up because we felt that we had dipped into the same well for three years running. We all help with stewarding and or- ganisation and people dig deep. Now someone else has a chance to get in- volved and contribute to charity.”

The Peach 10k Shannon Run will start at 1.30pm from Wolfe Tones GAA Club (where changing facili- ties will be open) and will continue around Shannon town before return- ing to the club for refreshments.

People can print off registration forms from or call into the office in Peach House for forms and sponsorship cards. For further information telephone O61 362000.

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