This article is from page 72 of the 2007-05-08 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 72 JPG
MINISTER of State at the Depart- ment of Enterprise, Trade and Em- ployment Tony Killeen has published a second progress report on National Workplace Strategy. According to the minister, “The report highlights significant new initiatives to support workplace change and innovation in the public and private sectors.”
The report outlines key develop- ments in implementing the Strategy’s recommendations since the group last reported. The High Level Group, which is chaired by Minister Killeen, involves key Government depart- ments and agencies working together with the social partners to support workplace change and innovation in
the public and private sectors.
“IT am happy to be able to report that, building on the endorsement of the work of the group in the Frame- work Social Partnership Agreement Towards 2016, we have seen sig- nificant progress and the launch of important new initiatives across the five strategic priority areas of the Na- tional Workplace Strategy,’ Minister GTN ore yaork
The minister welcomed the fact that the National Workplace Strategy has reached an important juncture, Where the messages and objectives agreed and adopted at a national level by Government and the Social Partners are now to be targeted at workplace level to employees, trade unions and managers across the pub-
lic and private sectors.
“The new Workplace Innovation Fund will play an important role in supporting this process,’ the Minis- MEST BLOE
“The real success of the National Workplace Strategy will be meas- ured in terms of how it succeeds in influencing meaningful change at the level of the workplace.
‘“W hile this is no easy task, we have every reason to be optimistic. We know from our long experience with social partnership that our capacity to solve problems is best served by working together. The strategy gives us a unique opportunity to turn our creative problem-solving instincts into a source of sustained competi- tive advantage.”