
Halls shouldn’t be sold, Neylon

This article is from page 32 of the 2007-05-08 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 32 JPG

OLD friends gathered last week for Ennis Town Council’s senior citizens night as uncertainty hung over the future provision of services for the town’s elderly community.

According to Independent Council- lor Frankie Neylon more needs to be done to cater for the senior citizens of Ennis.

Many of those that attended on Wednesday avail of meal services provided on weekdays at the CYMS hall.

However, according to Cllr Neylon the continuation of this service has been placed in jeopardy due to the potential sale of the building.

He said people were disappointed with the current situation.

“People are very disappointed that the Parish Council are considering selling the CYMS Hall in Chapel Lane. They are also looking at sell- ing the scout hall.”

Ennis Town Council has already conducted a registry search to de- termine ownership of the two build- Tbh eae

Cllr Neylon said, “There is no reg- istered owner of the CY MS hall. The scout hall was registered by the Par- ish council six or seven years ago. The people of Ennis collected money for the scout hall and they should be notified before anything happens. It belongs to the people of Ennis.”

He also repeated calls for the de- velopment of a day-care centre in the ROD e0k

‘There is a major need for a facility

in Ennis. The parish council have to tell us what their plans are for both halls. We need to know if a new cen- tre is going to be built on one of the current sites. I have invited them to come to the council to discuss the matter”’.

Wednesday night marked the tenth anniversary of the annual event host- ed by the council.

Bishop Willie Walsh and Mayor of Ennis Joe Reidy were among those who attended. Voluntary organisa- tions that provide services for the town’s elderly community were well represented on the night. They in- cluded members of the Cloughleigh and Turnpike Resident’s Association and the senior citizens club.

First hosted in 1997 the event was organised to salute the contributions

made by such groups and by the eld- erly to enhancing community life in J Syav Avie

Cllr Neylon explained, “It was done to give something back to senior citi- zens who make such a great contri- bution to Ennis. In particular around the time of the Tidy Towns judging, they are the ones making sure the ar- eas and estates are kept tidy and look well. It was a great night and as they were going out the door they were al- ready talking about next year. Eddie Power and the staff did a great job.”

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