
€4.5m to upgrade 100 council houses

This article is from page 31 of the 2007-05-08 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 31 JPG

REMEDIAL works, costing €4.5 million, will be carried out on 100 lo- cal authority houses in Shannon.

Forty-eight houses in the Inis Ealga area and 53 former Shannon Develop- ment houses will be upgraded, under a Clare County Council scheme, the details of which have just been an- nounced. The work on the dwellings is likely to start later this year.

The cost of the works to the Inis Ealga homes will come to €2.4 mil- lion, while work on the former Shan- non Development homes will cost €2.1 million. The project will be

funded by the Department of the En- vironment, Heritage and Local Gov- ernment.

The scheme is being carried out un- der the Government’s policy of ‘de- livering homes, sustaining communi- ties’, and will be delivered as part of the overall regeneration and develop- ment of Shannon town.

The remedial works to the Inis Ealga houses will involve both inter- nal and external improvements. The houses, which were built in 1984, will be rewired. Smoke alarms will be in- Stalled in the kitchens and bedrooms, while the kitchen units will also be replaced.

Clare County Council’s housing staff Nora Keane and Tony McNama- ra outlined details of the scheme, at a meeting of Shannon ‘Town Council FNM isle .@

Mr McNamara said that the propos- als are a result of surveys which were carried out over a number of years.

“We hope to be going to tender as soon as possible. There are some is- sues in relation to fencing at the back of Inis Ealga,” he said.

He said that 15 kitchens will be re- placed, which are of poor or average fey sTebialeyer

Independent councillor Patricia Mc- Carthy said he would welcome the

investment in the houses and asked When the work is likely to com- nates (een

Ms Keane said the best case scenar- 10 will be a start date of October.

Cllr McCarthy said that down- Stairs toilets should be installed in the former Shannon Development homes.

Independent councillor Gerry Flynn said he had hoped Rossbracken houses would also be improved and pointed out that the schemes are “fabulous”’.

A number of councillors expressed concern that houses in ‘Tradaree Court were not included under the current programme.

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