
Shannon deal looking good for landing

This article is from page 2 of the 2007-05-01 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 2 JPG

THE €36 million deal to restructure Shannon Airport looks set to be rati- fied with over 180 workers express- ing an interest in exiting the Shannon Airport Authority (SAA).

An airport source said that around 182 were exiting with still a small number to make up their mind.

Prior to the package being put on offer, the Shannon Airport Authority (SAA) stated that 200 voluntary re- dundancies were needed in order for the Shannon deal to be viable.

While the SAA might not reach the 200 target, it is believed that the high number will be enough for the deal

to go through.

However, workers retiring at the airport are understood to be angry that their cut-price travel will be lost. Traditionally, workers at the SAA have been entitled to concession travel with Aer Lingus.

The Labour Relations Commission (LRC) agreement delivered to both sides in March makes no mention of the concession travel for people who retire.

It is understood that the matter is being referred back to the LRC for clarification.

“The encouraging take-up of the severance package is a tribute to the unions that have obtained an excel-

lent outcome for the workers who wish to avail of the package and those who will remain directly em- ployed by the Airport Authority.

Itis also a clear indication of LRC’s productive and professional input to the facilitation process,’ said junior Minister Tony Killeen.

‘In many of these cases, issues arise which may not have been foreseen or PUNE DBRSoxOn

“I am confident that the process is sufficiently robust to resolve any outstanding issues in a fashion fa- vourable to all parties involved.”

As part of the deal with the air- port’s 550 workers, the SAA is to exit completely from catering. In the

new revamped Shannon airport, in- ternational retail and catering organ- isation, HMS Host has secured the contract to operate five retail outlets at Shannon and they are expected to become operational this coming summer.

It is believed that the rates offered by the two catering firms that will provide ground catering and in-flight catering have disappointed workers.

Those workers with 24 years expe- rience or more who opt to leave the SAA will receive over €100,000, while the 350 who do remain are to receive a payment of €16,000.

The deal is expected to save the SAA €10 million per annum.

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