TWO units of the fire brigade were called to assist the crew of a Health Service Executive ambulance in Clare in the early hours of Saturday morning after smoke began to blow from its engine.
The HSE has denied, however, that the safety of a patient travelling in the ambulance at the time was in any way compromised by the incident or that the ambulance was “burned out”’ as had been reported on local radio.
The incident occurred near Bunrat- ty at around 3.20am as the Limerick City-based ambulance was. trans-
porting a patient from Shannon to the Mid Western Regional Hospital in Limerick. The patient was not in any danger and the call was not an emergency.
According to a spokesperson for the Regional Fire Control Centre in Lim- erick, they received a call at 3.24am reporting a vehicle on fire on the in- bound lane of the Ennis to Limerick dual-carriageway near Bunratty.
Two units of the fire brigade from Shannon responded to the incident and were at the scene within min- utes. While originally reported as a vehicle on fire, no fire was found on arrival by the fire service.
The HSE has confirmed that one of its ambulances was involved in the incident but that safety of the patient or the two-person crew was never oyna one yeeb isle em
‘There was an oil leak in the engine and the oil splashed on to the engine manifold creating smoke.
‘The ambulance crew pulled over immediately and, in accordance with procedure, they notified the Regional Ambulance Control Centre in Lim- erick of the matter.”
A second ambulance was sent to the scene while the local fire brigade was also notified as a precaution.
The HSE spokesman also con-
firmed that there was no danger to the patient or the crew and that the patient was transported on to Lim- erick in a second ambulance a short time later.
“The ambulance crew remained with the patient at all times and a short time later that patient was transported to the Mid Western Re- gional Hospital in Limerick on board another ambulance.
‘There was no fire and the vehicle was not damaged.”
It had been reported on one radio station that the vehicle was burned out in the incident. However, the HSE denied this.