A 15-YEAR-OLD boy who has com- mitted a string of offences in Shan- non got “a sharp shock” when he spent two months in custody, his so- licitor told a court.
The boy, who cannot be named because of his age, pleaded guilty to damaging a car and a number of of- fences relating to the theft of alcohol.
He admitted entering the Shannon Knights pub as a trespasser and steal- ing alcohol and crisps, last October.
On another occasion, he entered the same premises and stole five bottles of vodka and three cans of red bull.
He also admitted stealing €40 in cash from a house in Shannon in No- vember and stealing a mobile phone from Texaco, Shannon, on Septem- lo mPA NE
Defending solicitor Eileen Whelan said her client was using drugs and alcohol at the time of the offences.
She said that a Probation report on the accused, presented to the court, was very positive and concluded that he should be let back into the com- munity.
Ms Whelan said that teachers, psy-
chiatrists, psychologists and various social workers have come together to recommend the boy be put back into the community, albeit under a very strict regime.
‘He has been caught in time. One would hope he would turn out to be a decent citizen,” added the solicitor.
‘He has been in custody for two months. He doesn’t sleep well. He is frightened of it. He’s got the sharp Shock that he needed,’ she added. She said her client would be willing to move out of Shannon, if he was ordered to do so.
Inspector Tom Kennedy, prosecut- ing, said the State would not wish to stand in the way of progress.
“If these recommendations can be advanced, I wouldn’t oppose that,” |atemncrc (On
Compensation, to cover the dam- age to a car and the cost of the stolen items, was presented to the court.
The boy was remanded on bail, with conditions attached, including that he comply with the conditions of the Probation services, sign on daily at Shannon garda station, abide by acurfew and stay away from two named youths in Shannon.