
Ruan murder trial begins

This article is from page 14 of the 2007-04-24 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 14 JPG

THE trial of a man accused of mur- dering Ennis hackney driver Liam Moloney two years ago 1s due to get underway tomorrow (Wednesday) at the Central Criminal Court.

Anthony Kelly (54) of Emlagh na Muck, Emlagh More, Waterville, County Kerry, yesterday pleaded not guilty to the murder of father-of-four Mr Moloney (56), in Portlecka, Ruan, Ennis, on February 11, 2005.

Mr Moloney’s body was discov- ered on farmland at Portlecka, near the village of Ruan, on February 11, PAU Oey

A jury of seven women and five

men was sworn in yesterday and the trial will get underway tomorrow neleusuperee

Mr Kelly yesterday pleaded guilty to six other charges. These include robbing Mr Moloney (56) of car and house keys, a pocket knife, a wallet and €10 in cash.

He also admitted taking a motor vehicle belonging to Mr Moloney and damaging it by fire on the same CF Kes

Mr Kelly also pleaded guilty to a charge of entering an address at Bar- rack Close, Barrack Street, Ennis, with intent to commit theft.

He also admitted possession of a knife and other articles with blades,

namely an axe and machete, in a pub- lic place, also on the same date.

He also pleaded guilty to the pos- session of a sawn-off shotgun in County Kerry on February 24, 2005, giving rise to the inference that he did not have it in his possession for a lawful purpose.

Senior counsel for the defence, Brendan Grehan told Mr Justice Paul OTe Nee Coker A VMO OFLU ON KIRW ie: Foie- Ore kts in which the matter of diminished re- sponsibility would be raised.

The case is expected to last up to two weeks.

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