This article is from page 28 of the 2007-04-24 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 28 JPG
A CROSS which has been the loca- tion of numerous accidents is to be tackled — but the necessary safety measures will not be up for funding until next year.
Councillor John McInerney had put a motion before the the Killaloe area committee asking that something be done to reduce the dangers at Clancy’s Cross.
He told the meeting he was “not happy’ with the rate of progress on
the matter.
“IT put a motion down about this as far back as 2004 and myself and Councillor Pascal Fitzgerald organ- ised a protest at this location in De- cember. Why is the lining only going down now? It should have been done since 2005. At this rate it will be 2008 before anything is done.”
The councillor told the meeting that there have been “numerous accidents at this site — are we to have a serious accident before something is done?”’
Councillor Pascal Fitzgerald de-
scribed the cross as a “blackspot. There has been another accident there this year and I’m concerned that there will be a very serious crash”.
Senior Engineer, Sean Lenihan, told the meeting that a scheme of safety measures will be designed this year and put in for funding next year.
He said that enquiries to the gardai showed they supported the council- lors claims that the cross has been the scene of many accidents.
‘Everyone is of the same mind on- this one,” he said.
He also told members that the road design office “is under serious pres- sure but | am pushing this one as a priority. All of the measures that might improve matters of safety will be looked at and considered,’ he Sr HKGe
He added that in terms of putting lining on the road, a meeting is being held with the contractor this week.
The senior engineer added _ that sometimes it is “easier to get funding for a project than to fit a small job in but I will do all I can to get it done”’.