
Ennis solicitor critical of bouncers

This article is from page 13 of the 2007-04-24 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 13 JPG

BOUNCERS who throw both an- tagonists in a fight onto the street at the same time came in for criticism in Ennis court on Friday.

Solicitor Tara Godfrey criticised the actions of doormen at The Queen’s nightclub while defending a client on a public order charge.

Ms Godfrey was_ representing

Philip Crew, of 32 Hermitage, Ennis, who pleaded guilty before the court to a breach of the Public Order Act.

Judge Joseph Mangan heard that Crew was arrested after gardai found him intoxicated and fighting with an- other man outside the nightclub.

“He and his girlfriend were in the nightclub when her ex-boyfriend banged off her. My client went over to him and said that this couldn’t go

on as they all had to live in this town. Then, as so often happens with door- men, the bouncer threw them both out into the street at the same time.”

Godfrey said that while the door- man’s action “does not exonerate my client in any way, the court should be aware that bouncers in licensed premises treat these situations in this Fae

Judge Mangan heard that while

Crew had previous convictions for assault, theft and trespass, he had stayed out of trouble for a number of years. The 22-year-old was “unlikely to be going back to that type of be- haviour” having had a clean sheet for so long, his solicitor said.

Judge Mangan jailed him for six weeks and set bail in the event of an appeal at £300, with an independent surety of €500 and €300 in cash.

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