This article is from page 24 of the 2005-09-27 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 24 JPG
LADY Gregory will be hon- oured once again this week- end as the Autumn Gather- ing takes place at the Lady Gregory Hotel and Coole Park in Gort.
The gathering, which is in its eleventh year, will include a host of lectures, plays, cul- tural and social events to highlight Lady Gregory’s contribution to the [Irish Lit- eV AYA CAREY
The weekend will be of- ficially launched in_ the Lady Gregory Hotel at 6pm on Friday evening by Ben Kennedy, the great-grandson of Lady Gregory and Ronnie O’Gorman.
This will be followed by the launch of an Italian translation of Lady Grego- ry’s stories for children ed- ited by Dr Rosangela Barone and Melita Catald1.
Saturday will be domi- nated by a series of lectures in Coole Park chaired by Ki- Cie-NO Nye esre KYA
The lectures will cover topics including mythology, shrines and the supernatural and will feature professors Gearoid MacEoin, Miranda Aldhouse-Green and Patri- cia Lysaght.
SW rlemeeldetoubetcmalemeleneey tec pleted on Sunday by a trip to Thoor Ballylee for the pres- entation of a series of poems about Thoor Ballylee by Pe- ter O’Shaughnessy.
The weekend comes to close in the traditional way on Sunday afternoon with tea and barn brack at The Lady Gregory Hotel.
Lady Gregory is_ best known for her work with Yeats and Synge in the for- mation of the Irish National Theatre and the Abbey The- atre Company.
A playwright herself, she gained notoriety not just be- cause of her artistic work but also because of her role as a patron for some of Ireland’s best known writers. She died on May 22, 1932 at the age fo) are OF